Healing Resonance
Healing Resonance

with kristi borst

... release that which no longer serves you!

Resources and Recommendations

I believe that each of us is on a journey back to discovering we are all connected ... like individual drops of salt water are to the ocean, we are ONE. Each individual's time and path is unique and totally perfect. I am sharing some resources here which were helpful to me on my path, particularly prior to unfolding to my abilities and True Self. Each of these in its own way may feel like a key to finding your way home, or may be a catalyst to your finding something else. Be always open and curious!

If you'd like to share resources with me, you may write to me from the contact page of my site. Blessings on your journey! Let me know how I can be of service ... a private session will help you accelerate toward more and better! Much love, Kristi

Saturday, April 9, 2016

"A New Earth ~ Awakening to Your Life's Purpose" Eckhart Tolle

I read A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose (large print edition also available) sometime in 2012, I believe. I just got it out the other day because a friend asked what book I might suggest to help "get out of your mind". As you can see by the markers (I typically mark pages and/or paragraphs which have particular meaning to me when I read a book), this was a very meaningful volume.

So, not sure why I hadn't thought to list it here before now, but here it is. Perhaps it is just meant to be closer to the top for you?!? Dive deep on your first try ... believe me, diving is really fun ... surrender is our only challenge.

Love and light,

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