Healing Resonance
Healing Resonance

with kristi borst

... release that which no longer serves you!

Resources and Recommendations

I believe that each of us is on a journey back to discovering we are all connected ... like individual drops of salt water are to the ocean, we are ONE. Each individual's time and path is unique and totally perfect. I am sharing some resources here which were helpful to me on my path, particularly prior to unfolding to my abilities and True Self. Each of these in its own way may feel like a key to finding your way home, or may be a catalyst to your finding something else. Be always open and curious!

If you'd like to share resources with me, you may write to me from the contact page of my site. Blessings on your journey! Let me know how I can be of service ... a private session will help you accelerate toward more and better! Much love, Kristi

Friday, October 29, 2021

Animal Speak Pocket Guide by Ted Andrews

Animal Speak Pocket Guide by Ted Andrews

Becoming aware of the animal, insect, and bird messengers of life has opened my spirit and soul on many levels. I love this book because it is compact, succinct, and powerful. Here is an example of the type of information that is conveyed by the late Ted Andrews:

Blue Jay (choose wisely) ~ Be careful of choices you make. Choose so others do not get hurt. Don't be afraid. Stay with choices you have made.

©2009 Ted Andrews. Dragonhawk Publishing.

I'd like to note that there is another version of Animal Speak by Ted Andrews. I also have that book but find this quick reference more useful. While it doesn't go as indepth as the other, this quick, concise approach serves as a jumping point from which we can gain our own expanded insights based upon what we are noticing and experiencing.

Lovingly, Kristi

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Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Perspective Reboot® with Kristi Borst Podcast

 Perspective Reboot® with Kristi Borst, podcast of ancient wisdom, integrative healing of ind-body-spirit-emotions for self-mastery & empowerment beyond what eets the Eye, the MRI, and the "why can't I?"!

I am so excited to share the topics, guests, visions here which helped me see beyond what meets the eye, the MRI and the why can't I aspects of life!

I know you are valuable, powerful, strong, eternal. Part of my mission here is to be authentic and to help empower others to embody more joy and wellness. Together, let's be the change we want to see in the world. The bonus is that as we claim a more peaceful resonance, we get to live in that space and go from surviving to thriving!

You can listen from this page, or bookmark "Perspective Reboot® with Kristi Borst" on your favorite app. Listen on iTunes; listen on Spotify; listen on iHeartRadio or listen on Stitcher.

You can subscribe and share my podcast from this RSS feed page.


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