Healing Resonance
Healing Resonance

with kristi borst

... release that which no longer serves you!

Resources and Recommendations

I believe that each of us is on a journey back to discovering we are all connected ... like individual drops of salt water are to the ocean, we are ONE. Each individual's time and path is unique and totally perfect. I am sharing some resources here which were helpful to me on my path, particularly prior to unfolding to my abilities and True Self. Each of these in its own way may feel like a key to finding your way home, or may be a catalyst to your finding something else. Be always open and curious!

If you'd like to share resources with me, you may write to me from the contact page of my site. Blessings on your journey! Let me know how I can be of service ... a private session will help you accelerate toward more and better! Much love, Kristi

Thursday, January 1, 2015


The Five Principles: A Guide to Practical Spirituality is a wonderful book by Ellen Debenport. This book puts into words a lot of what I have remembered to be truths since re-opening myself to do healing work with the Higher Realms of Light. It makes simple task of what, as humans, make so difficult ... living life with ease.

One of the co-ministers at the UNITY I attended selected this book in the Fall of 2014 for "Adventures in Faith". [People read the book, and the ministers discuss each chapter for 5 successive weeks.] I led a small book-study group. Reading the book and having the ability to discuss it with like-minded seekers was amazing. We all felt it was one of the best books we'd ever read. We choose to do the meditations at the end of each chapter as a group activity.

I recommend getting some of your family and/or friends together and sharing discussions on this book if you can. If you cannot, gift it to yourself and read it at least twice!

Love and light,

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